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Which Shower Base Material Is Best for You In USA?

There are a lot of materials that can be used for shower bases, and it can be hard to decide which one is the best for you. 

Which material is the best for your home? PVC? Metal? Plastic? Here are some things to consider when making your decision.

The debate between metal and plastic  shower pans in the USA is one that has been around for years. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference. 

Metal shower bases are typically heavier and last longer than plastic ones. They can also be more difficult to install, but they tend to look nicer and feel better when wet. Plastic bases, in contrast, are often cheaper and easier to install.

They also tend to be more water-resistant, which is great if you live in a dry climate. Ultimately, it comes down to what you’re most concerned with: the durability of your base or how easy it is to keep clean.

Choosing the right shower base material is an important decision, not only because it can impact the overall look and feel of your bathroom, but also because different materials are better suited for specific uses. 

There are a few factors to consider when deciding when to replace your shower base material. The most important factor is the condition of the surface of the base.

 If the surface is cracked, chipped, or peeling, it’s time to replace your shower base. Also, keep in mind how often you use your shower and whether the material is resisting water absorption. 

If you use your shower more than once a day and the material is absorbing water quickly, it’s probably time to replace it. Finally, if you notice any discoloration or deterioration in the surface of your base, it’s also time to replace it.