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Fundamentals Of A Good Support Worker

A support worker is a person who helps people with disabilities or special needs to live independently. A support worker can do many different things, including helping people with disabilities or special needs to get dressed, eat, go to the bathroom, and get groceries.

They also help people with disabilities or special needs to take medications and to communicate with family and friends. A good support worker is crucial to the success of any organization. They provide support to their clients, coworkers, and team members.

There are some fundamental principles that all good support workers in Hobart follow. These are:

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1. Listening: A good support worker always listens carefully to what their client is saying. They will not interrupt or try to take control of the conversation. They will simply listen and offer assistance where needed.

2. Assisting: A good support worker will always offer assistance in the form of advice, information, or support. They will help their client to solve any problems they may be experiencing.

3. Supporting: A good support worker will always provide emotional and practical support to their clients. This means that they will be there for them when they need it, no matter what the situation is.

4. Providing Support: A good support worker always provides a supportive environment for their clients. This means that they create a safe and comfortable environment for them to work in.

5. Being Trustworthy: A good support worker always maintains trust and credibility with their clients. They never lie or cheat in any way.