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What is Roof Pressure Washing?

Roof pressure washing is a process that uses high pressure water to clean roofs. It's a fast and efficient way to remove debris, dust, and dirt buildup from roofs. Roof pressure washing is typically used on commercial buildings, but it can also be used on residential rooftops. For more information about roof pressure washing you can visit dave’s premium pressure washing.

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Before you start roof pressure washing, make sure to check the weather conditions. If it's windy or raining, the water will be blown all over the place and won't do much good. Also, make sure there are no ice or snow on the roof. This can cause damage to your equipment. 

Once you have checked the weather conditions, start by lining up your hose and nozzle carefully. Make sure the water is coming out of the nozzle in a steady stream and not in big waves. Be careful not to splash anyone or knock any objects off of the roof while you are cleaning it. 

It's important to stay focused while you are doing this job so you don't miss any spots. Once you've cleaned an area, move on to the next one. Roof pressure washing takes about 45 minutes per square metre (1 hour per roof). That means it'll take about six hours to clean a large roof using this method. 

There are two types of roof pressure washers: stationary and portable machines. Stationary machines are more common than portable machines, but both work fine for cleaning roofs. Portable machines tend to be easier to move around than stationary machines , but they're not as powerful.