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Various Ways of Keeping the Bathroom Clean

Similar to how we keep ourselves clean on a daily basis, keeping our home clean is equally important. From living room to bedroom, even the bathroom requires equal importance when it comes to keeping it clean. The majority of the world forgets to keep the bathroom clean and later on regret when it starts to look ugly. So, when it comes to bathroom cleaning, there are different ways one can do so that will help our bathroom to look great but also beautiful. Here’s how.

  1. On a Daily Basis – When it comes to cleaning on a daily basis, you need to target the sink. Since the sink is used on a daily basis for grooming, applying makeup, brushing the teeth, make sure you are cleaning the sink with the help of some form of detergent.
  2. On a Weekly Basis – Based on a weekly basis, there are a few considerations to think about.
  3. Do Deep Cleaning – When it comes to larger volumes such as the mirror, tiles, surfaces, stains deep cleaning is required. With the help of a spray bottle comprising of vinegar and water, you can clean them with the help of a paper towel or thin cloth.
  4. Do Drain Cleaning – make sure your drain does not get clogged with hair falls and other stupid things such as throwing the same paper towel or thin cloth used to clean the surfaces and mirror.
  5. Do Towel Washing –For a few days, it’s alright if you use the same towel. However, after a few days make sure you put the towel in the washing machine to get rid of dirt and bacteria.

If you require assistance for cleaning your bathrooms in Coffs Harbour area, call a professional.