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How To Get Eyebrow Waxing Done

Eyebrow waxing is a common beauty treatment that removes hair from the eyebrows. It is typically done by a professional, but you can also do it at home with some basic supplies. To get the best results, follow these tips:

1. Establish your expectations. Before you undergo eyebrow waxing treatment, it's important to understand what to expect. Some people find that their brows look better after the procedure while others don't see any changes. It all depends on the individual's natural eyebrow shape and the amount of hair they have.

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2. Prep your skin properly. Waxing your eyebrows can be painful if your skin is not prepared properly. Before you go to your appointment, make sure to remove any oils or lotions from your skin and clean it with soap and water. Make sure to dry it thoroughly before proceeding with waxing.

3. Apply a thin layer of wax over the area you want to remove hair- about an inch wide and two inches long. Hold the wax piece against the hair for about 30 seconds, then start pulling towards yourself until all hair is off the area (it may take more than one pass). Be patient! Waxing takes time and patience so don't rush it-you'll get better results in the long run if you take your time.