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How To Avoid Gluten In Your Food?

If you're gluten-free, chances are you've heard of gluten. But what is gluten, and why is it so important in bread? Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. It's what gives dough its elasticity and helps it rise. Without gluten, bread would be very dense and heavy. 

Unfortunately, many gluten-free breads are made with a variety of starches and flours that can also cause issues for people with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity. 

You can search online to find the best gluten free loaf in Melbourne.

Artisan Style Gluten Free Bread Breadtopia

Image Source: Google

Here are four ways to avoid gluten in your food:

1. Shop for certified gluten-free foods. Many grocery stores now carry certified gluten-free items, and some even have dedicated sections. Be sure to read the labels carefully to make sure there is no cross-contamination from other gluten-containing ingredients.

2. Make your own GF bread! There are many recipes available online or in books that will help you make GF bread without any flour or starches. Just be sure to use a GF flour blend if possible to avoid any potential allergens.

3. Avoid processed foods. Many processed foods contain hidden sources of gluten, such as maltodextrin (a type of starch) or modified food starch.

What is the Best Gluten Free Bread You Could Buy?

Looking for a gluten free bread that is both delicious and easy to make? Look no further than this recipe for gluten free bread from The Comfort of Cooking. This bread is perfect for sandwiches or as part of a salad. It is also very versatile, so you can change up the ingredients to suit your own taste.