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Health Insurance Terms and Definitions

One of the most difficult issues for most people is just knowing their health insurance benefits. Health insurance policies are often written in a user-friendly manner, however many customers are unfamiliar with medical and insurance terms.

Most health insurance policies also include something akin to a cheat sheet that summarises the policy’s coverage and lists the most common medical treatments. You can also get the best health insurance in Spain via

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However, you must ensure that you are aware of the various items that are not covered by your plan. Many health insurance plans cover only a portion of treatments including mental health, chiropractic, and occupational therapy.

Co-payment or Co-pay
A copayment is a fixed sum that you must pay to a medical provider for a specific treatment. When you go to the doctor, for example, you might be asked to pay a $15 co-payment. In this case, you must pay $15 at the time of your visit to the doctor’s office.

In most cases, you won’t have to pay anything extra because your health insurance provider will cover the rest. However, in some cases, if your health insurance policy specifies it, you may be responsible for a co-payment and then a percentage of the remaining balance.