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All About Publishing Your Book Online In US

Publishing your book online is a great way to get your book into the hands of readers quickly and easily. By publishing your book online, you can bypass the traditional book publishing process and go straight to the internet. This means that you can self-publish your book in the US without any help from a publisher. There are a number of benefits to publishing your book online instead of through a publisher. 

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First, publishing your book online allows you to circulate your book more easily. With a print edition, you need to send copies to libraries and other institutions. However, with an online edition, you can simply upload the files to a website or platform and let readers download them directly. This saves you time and money, since you don’t have to pay shipping costs or wait for copies to arrive in the mail. 

Second, publishing your book online also allows you to keep more control over your content. With a print edition, a publisher may choose which chapters to publish and how they will be formatted. You won’t have this level of control when publishing your book online, but this is partially offset by the fact that you don’t need to worry about copyright permissions or ISBNs.

Publishing your book online can be a great way to get your book out in the world and make some money while you're at it.