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Where to Find a Payroll Tax Relief Service In CA

There are a number of different payroll tax relief services that are available, and you should investigate all of them carefully before deciding which one to use. Some of the most common payroll tax relief services include:

1. Professional payroll services: These services typically offer more comprehensive assistance than other types of payroll tax resolution and they typically have more experience with filing taxes.

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2. Self-employed individuals: Self-employed individuals frequently have to file their taxes on their own, so they may find it helpful to contact a payroll tax relief service for help.

3. Tax preparers: A number of tax preparers offer payroll tax relief services as part of their overall service. This is an option if you don't want to take on the responsibility of filing your taxes yourself.

4. Credit unions: Many credit unions offer payroll tax relief services as part of their membership benefits. This is an option if you don't want to take on the responsibility of filing your taxes yourself.

5. "Free" tax preparation services or software: Some free tax preparation services or software offer a free payroll tax service, which may be useful if you're self-employed and don't have a payroll provider that offers such a service.

6. Tax preparer at work: If you work for an employer that pays your taxes, they may be able to help you prepare your return, especially if they've been helping others with their taxes before and know how people usually file their own taxes.

7. Online services: Many online tax preparation sites now offer automated guidance and fillable forms that make it easy to file your taxes without having to do too much research on your own.