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What Is The Role Of Immigration Lawyer?

An immigration lawyer's role is quite different from other types of lawyers. Immigration lawyers are known for helping people who have difficulty complying with immigration requirements.

Immigration lawyers offer advice and guidance in matters such as visa applications and green cards, citizenship, naturalization, and deportation. A majority of people hire an immigration lawyer to help them with submitting an application for a type of immigration documents such as a green card or visa. This is especially true if the individual is not able to understand all the requirements of immigration law.

In certain situations, hiring a reliable immigration lawyer in Phoenix may be absolutely necessary. These are some examples of situations where an immigration lawyer is absolutely necessary.

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Previous immigration applications were denied. An immigration lawyer can help determine the reason for the denial. They will also be able to tell you if the applicant can appeal or reapply in the future.

An applicant who is waiting for too long during an application process. Immigration lawyers are well-versed in the requirements of immigration law, including waiting times and deadlines. Sometimes, a lawyer can help applicants get expedited or rush processing.

An applicant seeking an employment-based visa but their potential employer is not helping with immigration issues. It can be difficult to process employment-based visas. An immigration lawyer can ensure that future employers fulfill their obligations to immigrant workers.