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Treatment Options For Hammer Toes In Baltimore

There are a few different treatment options for hammer toes. Some people may just need to wear a supportive shoe or brace to help heal the toe properly. Others may need surgery to remove the toes completely. And lastly, some people may be able to manage their hammer toes with various treatments and exercises. If you're suffering from hammertoes deformity, then visit to see a specialist.

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Here are a few of the most common treatments for hammer toes:

  • Wearing a supportive shoe or brace: This is the most common treatment option for hammer toes. A supportive shoe or brace will help support the toe and help it heal properly. This is usually the first step in treating hammer toes.

  • Surgery: If the toe is severe or if it doesn't improve with wearing a supportive shoe or brace, surgery may be necessary to remove the toe completely. Surgery can be done through an outpatient procedure or an in-patient procedure. Depending on the severity of the hammer toe, various procedures may be needed.

  • Treatment with medications and/or therapy: Many people find that treatment with medications and/or therapy works well for them. Medications can help relieve pain and inflammation, while therapy can help strengthen the toe and improve foot function. 

Hammertoes are a common problem, and there are a variety of treatment options available. If you experience pain or difficulty walking, speak to your doctor about your options for treating hammer toes.