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Thumb Sucking: Should Parents Be Worried?

Thumb sucking in newborns can be seen by many parents as an appealing habit. However, as toddlers begin to grow teeth, many parents are worried that habit of thumb sucking may spoil growing teeth or develop uneven jaw structure. Is this something to bother about? Why do kids suck thumbs?

All children suck their thumb in one or the other stage. But why do young children suck their thumb? It seems that the most common time to suck is when they are tired, bored, or in need of rest. You can also stop sucking thumb habit of your child by buying guard from the Amazon Australia website.

Most children will stop sucking the thumb on their own. Some will stop at a young age, while others stop much later. Studies have shown that this is not the case; only when the parents made it an issue was the child emotionally or psychologically affected.

Continually pulling your baby's thumb from its mouth is not the best way to stop it from sucking. This approach can make your child feel confused and in need of support – his thumbs!

Instead, you should try to create an environment where they choose to restrain themselves. When you notice the thumb in their mouth, you can weaken the habit of thumb-sucking by distracting him. By indulging them in something that uses both hands.

Do not worry too much about your child's thumb-sucking habit. All children do it at some stage of their life and all children stop it at some stage of their life. All too soon, his habit will seem like a long and faded memory.