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The Art Of Bharatanatyam: India’s Classical Dance

India is known for many different things – which include the best classical dances and yoga practices in the world. Bharatnatyam is one of India's most popular and well-known dances that has been around since centuries before India was even a country! Although this dance is known worldwide, you may not be familiar with all of its intricacies. This article will break down the history of Bharatnatyam so that you can appreciate it more.

What is Bharathanatyam?

It is an ancient dance form originating in the state of Tamil Nadu in South India. The name Bharathanatyam comes from the word "Bharatha," which means “excellent” or “most excellent.”

The dance is believed to have been created by the goddess Durga to distract the demon king Mahishasura from attacking her devotees.

It is a graceful and sensual dance that tells stories through its movements and allows one to experience the beauty of Bharatanatyam.

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How to Start Learning Bharathanatyam?

Bharathanatyam is one of the most popular classical dances in India. It is known for its graceful and fluid movements. If you're interested in learning this dance, here are some tips to get started: 

1. Start by watching videos or attending classes.

2. Learn the basic steps first. 

3. Be patient and consistent!

Why Learn Bharathanatyam?

Bharathanatyam is one of the most popular classical dances in India. It is a flexible dance that can be performed for any occasion, whether it's for entertainment or to showcase talent. There are many reasons why you might want to learn Bharathanatyam. Here are three: 

1) It is a great way to improve your coordination and stamina.

2) It offers a unique experience that you won't find in any other type of dance. 

3) It is a great way to develop your communication skills.