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The 3 Features of the Best Primary Schools

We all want our children to go to the best primary schools and we all want them to have the best education. But what makes some better than others, and what are the common similarities between the best schools?

We have come up with a list of the top 3 features of the best local schools to make your decision on where to send your child that much easier. You can also choose the best international primary school in Amsterdam for your children.

1. Teaching – the best schools have the best teachers. This is a bit self-fulfilling in reality, because the best primary school teachers are attracted to the best primary schools, which in turn makes the schools themselves better.

You may know of local schools which have good or bad reputations, and these reputations tend to stick, mainly because of this very thing. Moreover, the teachers at the best primary schools are less inclined to leave their post as the chances of them finding a better job are slim. So, if you find a school near you with a lot of long standing teachers, chances are the school is a good one.

2. Facilities – the best primaries have the best facilities. When we look at the facilities of local schools, there are a lot of different things which we can consider, and not all of it is important to everyone.

Think about the sports facilities, the catering facilities, and the buildings. Generally these are the three biggest considerations people think about when they search for a school. The best primary schools always have the best facilities to work with.

3. Location & Transport – location is a massive factor in your decision, but the best primaries usually have the best transport links. It isn't much use choosing a school with no bus stop within 2 miles if you are going to need to use a bus to get there. Rural primary schools will not always have good transport links, but this doesn't mean they aren't good schools.

The local roads and transport are not their fault. In urban areas, however, the best pupils and the best teachers will be attracted to the schools with the best transport links. So if you are looking for primary schools in urban areas, remember the best ones will have the best transport.