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What Is The Difference Between A Sommelier And Master Sommelier?

In the world of wine There are many acronyms, titles, and certificate programmes are utilized to identify various types of wine-related information. For instance, there's WSET (Wine & Spirits Education Trust), WSET (Wine and Spirits Education Trust) as well as it is the CMS (Court of Master Sommeliers), MW (Master of Wine) and MS (Master Sommelier).

However, all of these titles can lead to confusion over which one is the most appropriate for different individuals working in this industry and even what they mean. If you’re looking for more information about  wine sommelier course check this out

wine sommelier course

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Eliminating the confusion around Sommelier as well as Master Sommelier

One thing people aren't aware of is that sommelier simply an employment title, is not an academic designation or evidence of having completed a program of any type. The title of sommelier has been in use for centuries as a reference to the role of a wine stewards in restaurants.

The purpose behind the Master Sommelier designation nearly half a century ago was raise the standard of service for beverages in restaurants and hotels, with particular focus on the best pairings of food and wine. 

The truth that there are very few people who have achieved the status master sommelier given an atmosphere of mystery surrounding it. Some people followed the steps of people who are trying for the title of Master Sommelier in the hope of understanding what exactly they needed to study and go through to earn the title from the CMS.