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An Introduction To Therapeutic Wilderness Programs

For teens and youths that need comprehensive treatment for bad behavior, substance abuse, and related issues, the two options are more successful therapeutic boarding schools and wilderness therapy programs.

Wilderness therapy program for struggling teens and adolescents and various other populations have existed in various forms for decades, with the formation of Outward Bound in the mid-20th century is often referred to as the forerunner of the modern concept of wilderness therapy. You can also look for the therapeutic wilderness therapy for your troubled teen.

Today, teenagers, adolescents, and young adults have a variety of programs to choose from, at locations across the United States.

Although each program is unique, the basic concept behind wilderness therapy is to place participants in a unique environment away from the pressure, stress, and distractions of everyday life.

This therapy provides them with innovative challenges (peak experience) and supporting them with experienced professionals who can help them process their thoughts and experiences to identify the skills and strategies that they can transfer to their everyday lives.

Wilderness therapy has proven to be very effective with teens and youths who have struggled with academic problems, depression and related issues, inappropriate behavior, dissent and conflict, and substance abuse.

Wilderness therapy also provides a structured, supervised and supportive environment where teens can learn to become independent and productive members of the family and other groups.

From the desert to guide them round-the-clock for counselors and therapists who meet with them on a regular intermittent basis, these professionals ensure that students stay focused on making healthy progress.