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Information regarding Construction Jobs for Veterans

“There is clearly a need for people in the construction industry,” said Pete Chronis, president of Reece-Campbell, a construction company in Ohio. He said many contractors working with his company at the moment are very concerned about finding enough skilled workers on the training track. You can choose one of the top jobs for a veteran that is DOD skill bridge a program for transitioning veterans to civilian life.

Electricians, carpenters, welders, plumbers, and air conditioners pay the most, and as the housing industry grows, employers are cutting their hair in search of skilled workers. You will have few worries about work and a solid middle-class income at work.

  • How do you get the training you need?

The answer comes through the GI Bill OJT Veterinary Administration Program. This program allows you to work in your chosen field while completing your classroom education and training on the path to daily worker status.

  • Are you eligible for the OJT program?

The rules are simple: if you qualify for a GI invoice and you start a new position or training program (for example, starting an accredited course at a carpentry business school), you can apply for the program. In some cases, the VA even paid for OJT retrospectively in the last 12 months. However, you will not be eligible for an OJT GI Bill benefit if you have already received a GI Bill benefit (eg in a college undergraduate program). I will provide information on how to start the program at the end of this article.

  • Type of work

There are some great options for veterans if you don’t mind working out (and getting your hands dirty on some jobs). Training usually lasts from several years to five years. However, once you have completed your education, you will have a safe job that is needed in the US and abroad. And you can do your best while you study.