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How to Use Strategic Tax Planning to Reduce Your Taxes

It's all the more important today that you maintain a strategic edge in terms of dealing with your taxes the most efficient way. Strategic tax planning has been proven to be the most effective-a process used to reduce taxes for both individuals and businesses. Strategic tax planning can help you greatly when planning is done well before the end of the year.

The urgency of dealing with your taxes now is the best time that is important in the process of strategic tax planning. Business level and shareholder taxes are one of the most burdensome expenses small businesses tackle on a recurring annual basis and as a business owner, you always have to keep up with the constantly changing and complex tax laws to ensure you are compliant and to minimize your liabilities.

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Features of Strategic Tax Planning

Understand your goals: Even as a business owner, when you do your tax planning, you do that at both the individual and business level to minimize your income taxes and save yourself money you need to grow your business. Remember, effective tax planning is about wealth management.

To get through the process of tax planning in the most effective way, you start your planning by first understanding what your goals are and your overall business strategy. You then seek opportunities to minimize tax liabilities. You have to be proactive with your planning in the sense that you endeavor to understand your tax situation long before payment and tax returns are due.

Endeavor to reduce your adjusted gross income: Your adjusted gross income is key in determining your tax bill. Adjusted gross income is the most significant measure of your net income minus any adjustments. The point is, the more money you make means the more taxes you pay; and the less you make, the less tax you pay.