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Tips To Picking The Correct Property Investment That Suits You

A good property investment advisor should focus on your financial and lifestyle goals with a long-term focus. They should be able to provide uncomplicated and friendly advice to help you fully understand how to manage your finances and maximize your returns whilst minimizing risk.

Panvest property typically works in sales and helps investors to find their dream investment. Property investment consultants are always aware of the area they operate in and can give advice and information on the kinds of property available.

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Here are the tips we should keep on mind:

1. Units as a property investment

With units generally having higher rental yields than homes, this is attractive to positive cash flow property investors. Key things to consider when buying units, villas, townhouses, apartments, and the like as a property investment are:

  • Higher capital growth is generally more attainable in smaller unit blocks (lower than 10 to 20 units in a block). This is due to scarcity and also lower maintenance costs mainly.

  • Higher capital growth is generally more attainable in blocks that are majority owner-occupied rather than investor-owned. 

2. Houses as a property investment

With houses generally having higher CG than units historically, as a property investor you should be trying to pick the high capital growth houses to purchase, but make sure that you pick wisely so you can create higher rental yield and tax deductions with smart renovations as this will increase rental yield which is one of the downsides of houses vs units as property investments.