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Do You Know Which Type Of Cover Will Best Suit Your Swimming Pool?

The next step is to decide which pool cover will be best for you. It is best to identify the primary reason you want a pool cover. For example, is it to keep your pool warm and prevent water evaporation?

Solar blanket pool covers – Keep your pool warm and stop it from evaporating

The Best electric pool covers will stop pool heat loss and reduce evaporation. The solar blanket pool cover is similar to thick bubble wrap. It lies flat on the water surface and can magnify the sun's rays to heat the pool and retain the heat. 

A solar blanket pool cover can raise the water temperature up to 8 degrees Celsius depending on the amount of sunlight the pool gets. This could add weeks to the owner’s swimming season.

These covers can also stop water loss by evaporation up to 97%. These covers are attached to a pool roller, making them easy to remove and put on.

They also help to keep your pool clean by keeping leaves and other debris out of it. These pool covers prevent evaporation, which is a major cause of chemical loss in pools.

Protect your pool from leaves and debris with leaf and debris pool covers

A leaf and debris cover is the best choice if you want to keep your pool clean. These covers are made from a weave fabric and larger than the pool to create an overlap. The covers are placed around the pool at regular intervals to prevent any debris from getting in.


3 Swimming Pool Features To Consider

The pools are great by themselves, but you can make them more useful and entertaining by adding some interesting elements. There are several pool accessories that you could choose; There is a list of a few that you might consider.

Pool tiles and liners

Your pool will be more secure and will be better with a carefully selected layer of tiles and paving around it. You can also buy indoor outdoor pool accessories from various online sources. 

This will enhance the beauty of your pool professionally, and it will also reduce your work in the maintenance of your pool and you save on some expenses, as well. 

The concrete used in most pools is notorious for leaching chemicals into the water. In this case, you must clean your pool often. 

This will include some maintenance, and you have to spend it. However, the tiles give you money to put in that kind of effort and expense. And if you also add a liner, your pool will look fantastic.

Pool water Features

There are many lakes to choose from. Some of the most interesting of these include water jets and sprinklers, and others. You can find these features in the waterparks. 

People are simply not getting enough of these characteristics. You can also consider adding a touch to your swimming pool or a garden fountain right in the middle of the pool.

Pool Stairs and stools

These are for people to stay inside the pool while they have a refreshing drink and just chat. The feeling of splashing water around your feet while taking a drink is just beyond comparison. The stairs are also useful in and out of the pool, while the stools are just there to sit.

Start Saving Money With a Swimming Pool Enclosure

By having an enclosure around the pool you it means you have to clean your pool out less. This is due to the fact that with the use of an enclosure that stops the leaves, flies and other debris falling into the pool. This means that you will spend less time and money cleaning the pool and actually start spending more time in your pool. Also by closing your pool you reduce the amount of evaporation, which means the cost of chemicals is reduced chemicals you maintain a better balance and level of your pool water remains even more.

You can find more about pool enclosures via

There are so many ways in which you save yourself money by investing in the pool enclosure. Another example of how you do this comes through the use of your filter. By having an enclosure around the pool you it means you do not have to run your filter as often, but you will still be left with the same result. This is because the enclosure will remain also clean your pool water. This not only saves money but also saves energy. Speaking of saving energy and money; swimming pool enclosure means you spend less money and use less energy when it comes to heating your pool.

Evaporation is one of the biggest causes of heat loss when it comes to your swimming pool. This means that heat is lost from the pool and replaced with cold air. When your pool is covered but the heat is trapped, it means that it is maintained in your pool, which cuts down the cost of heating your pool.

An enclosure will also mean that you do not have to worry about the temperature reduction during the night even on the coldest night of your swimming pool will still be warm. This is because in the daytime enclosure absorbs heat and reflects into your pool water where it remained; This can increase the temperature as much as five degrees.


Know How A Solar Pool Cover Can Help You Save Money

Do you want to have your cat drowned in your own pool? Well, there are many more reasons why you should always keep your indoor pool with good coverage above ground. 

There are many varieties of pool covers like automatic pool covers & retractable pool enclosures that are available today. However, if you opt for solar pool cover, you can recover the value of the money you paid for it! 

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Today, the solar pool cover has become an essential part of the pools in all the houses. Indeed, today's homeowners can save money and swim for more months each year. Whenever you enter the pool, cold water could be a problem for you. 

Things get worse when the summer season runs out. However, if you have such cover in place, you can get the right temperature every time you decide to swim in it.

Solar blankets are the only type of pool covers above ground as you pay. Indeed, they make use of the sun's heat to raise the temperature of the pool water for about 10 to 15 degrees Fahrenheit. 

No longer would you need to use alternative sources of energy to heat your pool and that way you can cut a huge return on paying energy bills.

Second, solar covers also help you save on chemical costs. In fact, solar pool covers reduce evaporation of water and chemicals to your pool. 

As such, you need to add at least chemicals to keep your pool water safe. In short, solar pool covers can really give you much more efficiently than any other type of cover above the pool floor.

Automatic Pool Covers – Technology Meets Function

One of the greatest things in life is to enjoy a large pool when the thermostat up. Many people who have invested in their dream of owning a home also ensures that they have a great option for hot summer months, in terms of a pool.

While many people leave their sites discovered and open to the elements, many find that there are new technologies that can help to protect the water from the outside world, and even protect against accidents that may occur. If you want to cover your pool you can find pool enclosures made in Canada like retractable pool covers.

The latest innovation of which we speak is automatic pool covers. If you live in an area with lots of trees, for example, you will clean the debris most likely on a regular basis.

Cleaning and maintenance of water for recreational purposes may seem a daunting task when you start to factor in all the natural elements that can end up falling or being blown into the region.

If you're not too worried about the elements, consider how the automatic pool covers can protect waters or rather; protect your family and your pets to fall at different times.

 When night falls, and you walk around the area you cannot pay attention for a split second and get it right, and animals and young children, this can be a very dangerous proposition.

However, for those who have even a light blanket, the area is protected enough for anyone to leave if necessary. If do not catch above your attention, at least consider the elegance and technical mastery that you will be able to talk to others when they see that the automatic pool covers can do.

With some good lighting from below, you can have a beautiful display backyard and get your swimming pool that looks like a four-star hotel without breaking the bank.

Covers come in a variety of styles, sizes and with an automatic option, you can program to close at a certain time, or you can simply press a button and watch the next cover.

Whether you're looking to protect your family, cover your water from rain, snow or debris items, you will find that there is no real substitute for a good pool cover.