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Perfect Colour for Your Wedding Marquee

This can be a lot easier than you think. All it takes is a little imagination combined with unexpected flavors and a touch of perfection. Is that a heavy command? Not all! Traditional white wedding tents are a lot more versatile than people might praise, and it all starts in the mind's eye.

Every generation wants to improve on the previous generation. They see their parents' time as old-fashioned and out of date. While white wedding tents were popular on the beautiful summer days of mom and dad's time. Today's generation wants something different, more modern, something really better. You can also hire best gazebo & marquee tents for garden parties in the UK.

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It's not really a secret. Just need to make the interior of the tent more suitable for the wedding atmosphere. introduce furniture. Strategically placed chairs and sofas allow guests to sit back and relax for a while. 

Some tables, perhaps small to provide a sense of practical comfort not usually associated with tents, work well. Other pieces of furniture can be brought in, even pieces with no obvious use, to ensure the right kind of arrangement.

Then we need the right atmosphere. This can be achieved through lighting. Avoid bright lights. They can allow people to see what's going on around them, but they also destroy the special appeal that dim, strategically placed colored lighting can achieve. 

The way a tent is lined can have a powerful effect. You can opt for a classic drape style or something edgy and vibrant. You can make it look royal and proud or tasteful and elegant. 

With the strategic placement of furniture, the right level of lighting, and the perfect interior panels, a simple, gloomy tent becomes something very special. Traditional white wedding tents can and should be transformed into this.