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2 Common Mistakes To Avoid When Designing A 3D Model For 3D Printing

We all use different software, for 3D print in different materials, and not only use different printers but also different printing technologies.

So it’s perfectly normal to feel lost and it can sometimes seem difficult to design a perfect online 3D design for 3D printing.

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1. Ignoring Material Guidelines

Each and every printing material is different. Materials can be brittle or strong, flexible or solid, smooth or rough, heavy or light, and so on. This also means that an object should ideally be designed for a specific material. 

For example, if you know that you want to print your 3D model in Steel, there will be specific material-related design recommendations that you need to take into account such as supporting overhanging parts, strengthening elements that are sticking out, rounding off corners, etc.

2. Ignoring Printing Technology

It’s not only the basic chemical characteristics of our printing materials that are different but also the technologies that are used for printing each of these materials.

The best example of this is interlocking parts; in materials like ABS, Polyamide, Alumide, or Rubber-like you can print interlocking parts, while in others like Gold, Silver, Bronze, or Resin this is not possible. The reason behind this is not the material itself, but the technology that is used for printing each of these materials.