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All You Need to Know About Magnetic Tape Strip

Magnetic tape is used to control and steer automated guided vehicle (AGV) systems. The transport system can be found in the automotive industry and the different large companies where internal logistical problems to be solved right and, above all, fast.

If you want to buy magnets, then you can check out this source: Flexible & Strong Magnetic Strips Online – Customized Options Available.


Magnetic tapes are attached to the floor as self-adhesive tapes. To improve adhesiveness, the fixation of additional resins may be useful. Self-propelled transport vehicles follow a magnetic tape is placed on the ground so that they too can make a tight bend if required and achieve their goals precisely programmed.

Advantages of magnetic tapes

Magnetic tapes and partner vehicles forming a successful unit that offers many benefits.

Magnetic tapes ensure safe and proper operation. The logistics process flow is designed with a defined pathway. The risk of accidents can be reduced significantly by magnetic tapes compared to the forklift truck.

The driverless transport system very flexible and allows for many design options. With them, you can transport goods and merchandise of various sizes and with different weights to any desired location. Therefore, selection of industrial trucks is not limited to a particular type or size but can be customized according to the needs of the goods to be transported.

If the storage and transport system must be changed or adapted to the new conditions, it is possible with appropriate magnetic tapes and driverless transport systems, any time and without much effort. Any changes can be made and optimized even during the current operation.