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All About The Surgery For Anal Fissures

An anal fissure is a small tear or incision in the skin of the anus. This is a very sensitive area and can be very painful. Tears are very common but are often mistaken for pain or other causes of bleeding such as tears


  • The most common symptoms are pain during or after a bowel movement or bleeding.

  • The blood is usually bright red in color and is often found on paper or on the outside of the stool. You can also opt for surgery or fissure therapy as a treatment.

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In many cases, treating constipation or diarrhea can heal the fissure. Anal fissures are usually treated with non-surgical treatment, with more than 90% treated without surgery. Eating high-fiber foods, dietary supplements, stool softeners, and plenty of water can relieve constipation, make stools soft, and help the healing process.

Cleft treatment

Injection treatment

Injectable anal fissure treatment is usually used when other medications have not helped. If you have an anal fissure, an injection may be used to immobilize the sphincter. It prevents muscle spasms, reduces pain, and heals cracks.

Anal expansion

This is an old method of treating anal fissures. Here, the doctor manually stretches the anal canal to relieve pressure. Anal dilation leads to successful anal fissure healing, comparable to external internal sphincterotomy

Other medical problems such as inflammatory bowel disease, infection, and rectal growths (skin tumors) can cause symptoms such as fissuring.