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Reasons to Try Gorilla Jiu-Jitsu’s New Styles?

1. New Styles Offer More Opportunities for Self-Defense

2. New Styles Challenge You and Require Adaptation

3. New Styles Keep You Motivated and Add Variety to Your Training

4. New Styles Make Jiu-Jitsu More Fun

5. New Styles Help You Learn and Master the Basics Faster

6. New Styles Are Good for Conditioning

7. New Styles Help You Build Better Balance and Coordination

8. New Styles Help You Become a Better Defender

9. New Styles Are Great for Building Confidence

The Pros of Gorilla Jiu Jitsu

Gorilla Jiu Jitsu is a martial art  that has become increasingly popular in recent years. It is a relatively new martial art that was developed in the 1990s by Carlson Gracie. 

-First and foremost, Gorilla Jiu Jitsu is an extremely physical martial art. As such, it is not suitable for everyone. If you are not physically fit enough to handle the rigors of the class, you may find yourself injured frequently.

Additionally, Gorilla Jiu Jitsu can be quite intense and aggressive. If you are not used to getting rough with your opponents, this style of martial arts may be too much for you.

On the other hand, those who are physically fit and willing to put in the effort will find that Gorilla Jiu Jitsu is an extremely effective martial art. Its fast-paced, striking style makes it perfect for close-quarters combat. 

Additionally, its unique submission techniques can immobilize your opponents quickly and effectively. If you are looking for a physical challenge and want to learn an effective martial art, Gorilla Jiu Jitsu should be your first stop.