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How Old Is The General Sherman Tree?

Giant sequoia trees are the biggest trees in the entire world, and some of them are thousands of years old. If you've been doing research on giant sequoia trees you probably already know the General Sherman is the biggest tree on earth, but you may be surprised to learn it's actually not the oldest tree in the world. The General Sherman tree is estimated to be about 2,000 years old, which is very old in terms of a humans life, but giant sequoias often times live to be much older than this.

Some of the oldest living giant sequoia trees are more than 3,000 years old, so if General Sherman continues to live to be this old it could actually grow to be much bigger than it already is. Imagine how much more growth could occur in the next one thousand years if the General Sherman tree continues to survive wild fires and droughts that may occur in the next century. Even though General Sherman is estimated to be about 2,000 years old, the truth is no one knows the exact age of the tree. The age is really just a rough estimate based on a variety of factors, including the width of the tree and the height of it's first branches. The height of the giant sequoia is also taken into account when estimating the age of the tree.