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Dental Crowns As A Permanent Solution

When a tooth is missing or damaged, a dental crown can be a necessary procedure. Here's a quick overview of what crowns are and how they work.

A dental crown is an option for those who have had significant decay or broken teeth. A dental crown is a cosmetic procedure that improves the appearance of your smile. You can also get same day dental crowns at Marino Family Dentistry in Orange Park, FL.

Smile Gallery - Marino Family Dentistry - Orange Park, FL

It attaches a cap to the top of dental implants. They can replace the damaged or decayed tooth with superior strength, and they go beyond the standard fillings.

It is difficult to replace a tooth quickly. In fact, dental crowns are only the last step. Before a crown can go on, dental implants must first be placed in your jawbone. After that, the implant must be fully bonded for several days. 

The process of creating a crown requires several appointments. Your doctor will take impressions of your teeth during the first appointment to make the perfect replacement tooth. You may also be offered a temporary bridge or crown so you don't have to live with a gap in the smile. 

A crown can last up to seven years depending on how good you take care of your teeth. However, it can last even longer if taken care of properly. Crowns won't prevent any further decay or disease, so it is important to keep your oral health in good shape.