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Elliptical Trainer Reviews and Benefits

Elliptical trainers are becoming more popular for those that have had an injury. The elliptical trainer has been around for a few years and is the leading form of exercise equipment in the home gym industry. Elliptical trainers are machines that feature multiple handles and pedals that can be moved back and forth. When using an elliptical trainer, the pedals provide the resistance for the user.

Description: A elliptical trainer or cross trainer is basically stationary aerobic exercise machines used to walk, stair step, or run (without causing excessive impact to the joints) without placing excessive stress on the joint muscles. Thus, persons with any prior injuries may use an elliptical trainer to remain fit because the low impact fits them well. Using the machine will increase cardiovascular fitness and reduce the risk for developing osteoporosis. It provides many benefits other than just aerobic exercise. One of its most prominent benefits is that it is virtually pain free. Therefore, anyone that may have prior knee or lower back injuries should consider using elliptical trainers in their home workout gyms.

Benefits: Besides cardiovascular fitness, the elliptical trainer is ideal for weight loss. Many gym's offer cardio machines that require you to lift weights in order to lose weight, an activity that is time consuming and monotonous. By working out with an elliptical machine, you will find that it is an enjoyable activity that is easy on your joints. In addition, working out with a fitness machine will help increase your metabolism and burn more calories than simply walking or running. Elliptical trainers can even be used for rehabilitation after any type of physical injury.

Safety: An elliptical machine is a piece of equipment that are easy to use and comes with an operator's manual that explains the proper way to use the machine. This makes it a safe machine to use even for those that have previous injuries or limited mobility. This is because the machine mimics the actual movement of walking or running. When you are running, you use both of your arms and legs to propel yourself forward. When walking, you use your hands to push yourself along. By using the elliptical, you do not have to use both of your upper body and legs, which decreases the chance of suffering from joint related injuries.

Versatility: Another benefit of elliptical trainers is their flexibility. These machines come in different sizes, styles and designs. Depending on how extensive your fitness program is, you are sure to find a machine that will suit your needs. Some of the larger machines include a handle bar for additional balancing capabilities. Many machines also have extra handles and wheels, which allow you to move them around the house and workout in different areas.

Finally, an elliptical workout can give you a cardiovascular workout. Exercise was first designed as a way to get our bodies into better shape and allow us to perform activities we would not be able to otherwise. Elliptical trainers provide a great cardiovascular workout that also allows you to work on your upper body and legs at the same time. They can be a great choice for a home gym that offers other features and benefits, or if you are going to be using it for exercise purposes only.