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How to Write a Best-Selling eBook in Just 3 Days

Imagine the possibility of creating an eBook you could sell for just $37. What if you could sell your book for $67? Perhaps $97! I am confident that this is possible since I've done it before. There are few things more satisfying than working on a project one time and reaping the benefits several times over. Follow these to write best-selling ebooks.

best selling ebooks

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Make a Plan Before You Begin

The best place to start any eBook is to create an outline. It is possible to create an outline by following these steps:

Brainstorming – Sit down with a piece of paper and note down everything about your subject that pops into your head. Try this for at least 15 minutes.

Gather your thoughts together. Eliminate the ideas you don't wish to use. Add more ideas as they pop into your mind.

Start with the goal of not stopping

The most common issue users face when creating an eBook is the fact that you begin but then stop. When you stop writing, it's hard to get back on track. You tell yourself that you'll start next time however "tomorrow" is never a reality. After a few weeks or even months after, you review your work and realize all the time you've wasted because you didn't complete what you began.


I edit and re-read my ebooks at least three different times. Every time I read and edit my book, I'm trying to find something new. The next time, I ensure it flows well.