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The Path To Being A Vocal Coach Unveiled

Many people believe that becoming a vocal coach is just a matter of having a good singing voice and the ability to perform some basic exercises. It's not, becoming a vocal tutor is actually a really difficult process and is largely based on reputation. A voice coach teacher success is based on the success of the ones they taught before. So read on to find out more about becoming a coach of merit.

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The first thing that any coach needs to be able to do is to do exactly what they are teaching. It's hard to trust a doctor who tells a patient that they need to stop eating junk food when the doctor is scoffing down. If the coach can't sing or practice what they preach when few people are going to trust them enough to teach them.

Be able to listen

Yes, it's a good thing that the coach can sing, but what they need to spot is when someone else can sing. It's to be objective and not subjective. If the coach doesn't just teach a specific form of singing then they have to avoid letting their own musical tastes get in the way. 

Most of the time listening will be all that the tutor will be doing. The only time when a vocal coach is obliged to sing anything is when they are providing an example of a certain technique.

More than just a DVD

If any prospective teacher believes that they can teach a student exclusively from a DVD and a stereo system then they should consider another profession. Anybody can pick up a DVD and then sing along with it, they don't need someone else to help them with that. 

A tutor is expected to do much more than that, and that's why it's important to know all about the relevant vocal exercises.