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Learn Who Is Eligible To File Talcum Powder Cancer Lawsuit

Talc is a mineral found in natural deposits around the world. Comprised of magnesium, silicon, and oxygen, talc is widely used in a variety of industrial, cosmetic, and household products. While talc is generally considered safe for external uses, the substance has been found to be carcinogenic when inhaled or used on the genitals.

Talcum powder cancer research shows that genital dusting with talcum powder increases a woman’s risk threefold for developing ovarian cancer. Johnson & Johnson has been aware of this research, yet has never warned consumer of the ovarian cancer risk from using baby powder.

This is the main reason why thousands of people have filed talcum powder ovarian cancer lawsuit, against Johnson & Johnson and other powder manufacturers.

Each case is different and hence it is recommended having a personal consultation. To that end, baby powder attorneys offer free, no-obligation case reviews to anyone who want to knowwho can file a talcum powder ovarian cancer lawsuit

talcum powder

The talcum powder lawyers provide legal representation for anyone involved in a talcum powder cancer lawsuit on a contingency basis, which means that we will not charge any legal fees unless we win compensation for you. Anyone who has been diagnosed with ovarian cancer after using talcum powder or is a family member of such a person is eligible to receive a free, no-obligation case review from our attorneys. Simply contact a reputed legal firm online and you can discuss baby powder cancer lawyers will contact you promptly to discuss your case.