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Simple Tips On How To Save Electricity At Home

Modern-day life is unthinkable without electricity. Most of the equipment we use everyday runs on electricity. To reduce our electricity bills and reduce the impact of energy use, here are some simple tips on how to save electricity at home.

Let’s start with the equipment that consumes the most electricity. Heating and air conditioning system to draw more power than other home electrical appliances. If you want to ‘save the electricity at home then click’ (Also known as ‘ประหยัดไฟฟ้าที่บ้านแล้วคลิก’ in the Thai language). Save Electricity: Appstore for Android

The heating system is required on cold winter days when the summer is very hot makes it necessary for us to use the AC. Saving electricity at home while the equipment is used can be quite easy as long as you ensure that

  • All the windows in your home is energy efficient. Leaks around doors and windows sealed, and updated insulation in the attic and wall spaces.
  •  weatherproofing done on the basis of the entrance door and around the edges.
  • The temperature lowered to 65 degrees in winter and raised to 78 degrees.
  • Windows are still open in the summer as far as possible and fans are used to ensure proper air circulation.
  • You wear a sweater in the winter to keep yourself warm as far as possible and turn off the heater.
  • You curtains close on a warm day and open it on cold days. This not only prevents drafts but also helps to trap heat and cold.

Simple things you can do to save electricity in the home is to turn off lights that are not needed. Similarly, make sure that you turn off electronic equipment such as televisions, computers, and video equipment when not in use.

Many companies now provide alternative energy for homeowners to save electricity in the home and control the cost of utility bills. For example, some energy companies determine the annual use of electricity and split equally between the 12 months. This allows the payer bill to accurately predict the amount to be set aside for utilities each month and plan accordingly.

Another alternative is to harness the energy of the electric meter. This meter displays how much electricity each appliance and electronic devices in your home requires. By knowing this would be easy for you to work out a plan on how to save electricity at home.