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Looking At The Benefits Of Google Apps For Educational Institutions

The educational version of the Google app has many advantages. It is a free and comprehensive IT solution that schools and other educational institutions can use to implement collaboration and communication tools across campuses. 

This technology is powered by Google, so you can fully concentrate on teaching students. Teachers, students, and other staff can get work done faster and share their ideas faster. If you are interested to know more about school communication software then you can visit over here.

Image Source: Google

This is made easy with communication tools, and power-sharing. The education edition offers e-mail and shared instant messaging tools, an online calendar, and a dedicated website that anyone can use for free. 

No software or hardware installation is required as everything is done via a web browser. The education includes a number of customizable tools so everyone can work together. You get full connectivity without any issues. 

Entire schools can connect with powerful search, massive storage, and mobile access. No fees, no ads, and no expensive hardware maintenance.

Gmail offers 7 concerts for storage and offers protection from viruses and spam. It also features video and voice chat, built-in instant messaging, POP and IMAP messaging, and more. 

Teachers will find the online calendar a great feature. You can easily access other teacher's calendars to check for duplicate event bookings. This not only saves time but also a lot of unnecessary confusion and new juggling. You can even access the calendar with your phone.