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History Of The Beginnings Of A Legendary Sports Car Corvette

A legendary American sports car, the Corvette was actually imagined because of foreign sports cars of that era. Harley Earl, head of General Motors stylist, visited the Watkins Glen sports car race in 1951 and was immediately impressed with foreign sports cars. After having an emotional appeal to the sports car he witnessed, he decided to make an All-American sports car: Corvette. 

In 1952, the first prototype was built. With fiberglass exterior and balsa wood flooring, Corvette has increased speed compared to its competitors, largely due to its lightweight fabrication. The car began to take shape, but still without a name. Finally, a member of the General Motors Public Relations department suggested "Corvette".  You can check the Chevrolet 0-60 times performance online.

The name comes from the British Royal Warship class with the same name. This name is synonymous with strength, speed, and maneuverability in England. Now, years later, the name Corvette holds the same symbolism on this side of the Atlantic.

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In 1953, at the New York Motorama Show in the Waldorf Astoria hotel ballroom, Corvette first appeared amid much anticipation. The vehicle's classic logo was even changed at the last minute to the now-famous "fleur de lis" and checked the racing flag in a cross.

Initially, it was supposed to be an American flag and a checkered racing flag, but the American flag was protected by copyright from commercial use and hence was drawn from the logo.

Despite the last-minute logo changes, the public is captivated by new sports cars. The first 300 Corvettes were launched from the planned assembly of Flint, Michigan within 6 months. The price of the original new Corvette sticker is $ 3,000.