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Faster Online Visa Applications Replacing Traditional Ways

Going to Saudi has become much easier than before when people had to stand in long queues and apply for visas. In those days, no one visits used to be enough and one may have to visit more than once. On the first occasion, one will generally come to know about eligibilities.

The frequently asked questions can be answered, but not all at the same time. In the worst case, the second visit used to be required to clarify all those questions that come to mind later. And finally, one must come again with all papers and documents prepared on the premises.

There were even times when one had to go back due to faulty papers and again visit the Saudi embassy for a final try. Even after all this, there is less assurance of a successful visa application. However, with the advent of Saudi eVisa portal, the process for applying a Visa to Saudi Arabia has become easier than ever.

The problems due to the traditional system

Often because of these problems, one should cancel plane tickets at the last moment due to lack of visas. This used to cause heavy financial losses as a cancellation at the last moment resulting in a large reduction of the flight. One must have a ticket before applying as travelling without in and out of date, visa applications are not accepted. Thus, the financial risk is much higher with older systems.

The system is still there but parallels to the online visa system. The online system has resulted in major hassles easing out the old system. The chances of getting a visa application through this ae too much higher than the traditional system. One also has to spend less for the same thing.

Online application details

Now, all the information on the online application is available on the internet about the letters and documents required. So that it can prepare well with all the documents in place before applying. Therefore, one does not have to make repeated visits to the embassy again and again.

Among the documents required is a passport which must have a validity of at least six months after the date of arrival to Country. E-visa for Saudi also needs the aspirant to mention the dates of travelling in and out. This can be done only with tickets in place. Thus, one should get the ticket done before applying online.