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Choosing Bathroom Floor Tile Is Simple

The real estate experts say that bathroom is one of the most influencing rooms and will add much more value to any house. One of the most essential materials is bathroom floor tile.

Although there are numerous different alternatives of tiling you may choose, the fact shows that the most popular choice for the bathroom floor tile is ceramic because this burned-clay has a reasonable price, beautiful look, and wide distribution. It is also multifunction which means you can use ‘glass floor tile’ (also known as ‘กระเบื้องปูพื้นกระจก‘ in the Thai language) not only for floor tiling but also wall tiling.

DIY Painted Bathroom Floor

In spite of your choice, there are three guiding principles that you should follow to get a good result.

1. Creativity

The designing bathroom is an art. And just like the other kinds of arts, you should let your creativity works. For example, you may lay the bathroom floor tile diagonally rather than the straight one to make a rhombus pattern on the floor or the wall. This pattern will make your bathroom seems different and unique

2. Consistency

Though your creativity is unlimited, you still have to be consistent in one theme. You should keep using a certain color palette until your work is done. Using too many palettes will make your bathroom floor tile seems weird.

3. Slight Changes, Great Impact

The real estate experts say that bathroom is one of the most influencing rooms and will add much more value to any house. So, you should think bright in choosing.

Although there are numerous different alternatives of tiling you may choose, the fact shows that the most popular choice for bathroom floor is ceramic because this burned-clay has a reasonable price, beautiful look, and wide distribution. It is also multifunction which means you can use ceramic tile not only for floor tiling but also wall tiling.