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All The Health Benefits From Eating Mushrooms

There are thousands of species of mushrooms around the world, but we only eat about 25 of them. Mushrooms come in a variety of shapes, sizes and nutritional profiles. Some may be small, but they are definitely a strong vegetable.

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Mushrooms have a long history of cultural importance around the world. Researchers have discovered the presence of fungi in human food since the Stone Age.

In fact, they are so important to many cultures that there is a whole field of research – ethnomicology – that studies the sociological and cultural interactions between fungi and humans.

Recently, mushrooms have gained popularity in the Canada and are commercially available in extracts such as coffee, powder, and pills for their nutritional and health benefits. This article describes the unique nutritional profile of mushrooms, as well as the health benefits of eating them.

Mushrooms are full of nutrients

White button mushroom

White button mushroom is the most commonly eaten mushroom.

Dietary foods are classified as vegetables. Like most vegetables, they are low in fat, low in fat, and low in protein. For example, one cup of raw white mushrooms – the most eaten mushrooms – contains:

    15.4 calories

    0.2 grams of fat

    0.7 g of fiber

    2.2 grams of protein

This quality means that it contains several unique nutritional benefits.